Besides going down to the Comic-con this last week, I had the great fortune to see Hayao Miyazaki live in San Francisco (Berkeley). Though I missed the Ponyo screening, I hope to see it Aug 14 and you should too. Here the audio from the interview. Hope you enjoy!
Went to an interesting lecture at the comic con about the future of filmmaking with James Cameron and Peter Jackson. Take a listen. Where are we headed, will 3d be the dominant format? Is there anything else on the horizon.
Hey folks, Ian Worrel will talk about his work as a production designer and animator at JibJab Productions. Jibjab has done a number of animated political shorts that have appeared on the Tonight show and a number of other places. Ian will talk about what it takes to be a designer and animator in this medium and how you can successful make the transition from student to professional. Ian graduated from the character animation department at CalArts and spent 5 quarters at an AI in Orange County before then. He was a co-director and the production designer for the latest Obama film we just put out. Come see him talk in R-154 Thursday, July 30, 12:00PM -1:00pm. Hope to see ya there!
Floyd Norman visited the Art Institute Inland Empire back in June and we had a great time. While we had a great Q & A Session, no one asked about becoming a story artist. I decided to ask Floyd Norman by email, "What does it take to be a great story artist for feature film?" Here's his answer.
That's a very good question you asked. I'm sorry that never came up in the questions. Here's the way I like to explain it.
I've spoken with many old timers at Disney and other studios, and all have the same opinion. You become a better artist by being a better informed artist. That is, learn as much as you can about everything you can. Study not just art, but literature, music, dance, history -- whatever.
I was speaking with Brad Bird recently, and he said that what you experience in life informs everything you do. You're a better director or story artist because you bring all you know to the table when making a film.
I studied music when I was a kid. Violin, clarinet and saxophone. I knew I would never become a great musician, but learning to read music turned out to be real asset when I found myself working on a movie and I was able to read the score.
I couldn't help but be aware that many of the Disney artists I admired were not just great artists. Many were knowable about many other things as well. Most had fascinating hobbies. Even Walt Disney tinkering with his little scale model locomotive in his home workshop eventually led to his creating Disneyland.
I think these things help you become a better story artist. Of course, you have to practice your craft. However, the more things you know and experience will help you do your job that much better.